Cheri's thoughts about Breanna

When Breanna was born I was so thankful to have her.  I still am.  I had a normal pregnancy and did not know that anything was wrong until she was 2 days old.   She had a girly cry,  so high pitched.  I did not realize then that it was because of Cri Cu Chat Syndrome.  The doctors told me they thought something was wrong and asked for chromosome testing.  Of  course I was shocked and scared to death. Breanna did not want to eat anything and fell asleep during feeding.  It was a struggle to get 1 ounce down her those first few days.  She had to remain in ICU for 4 days after birth.  It was not until 3 weeks later that I learned of Cri Cu Chat.   When I found out what it was that was wrong, I went to the library and read what I could find.  I sat in that library sobbing and holding my daughter.  She had the classic symptoms.  She had the wide bridged nose, difficulty feeding, simian crease, floppy arms and legs,  high cry, down turned inner eyes, and rotated ears.   I started mourning for a life she would never have.  The books and doctors all said that she might survive the first year and if she did they could not predict her capabilities.  Remember, this was only 3 and a half years ago! Thank God we know this is untrue and our children can lead great lives.
 Since those horrible first weeks, I have learned to deal with this obstacle in our lives.  It is not easy, but I am committed to helping her reach her full potential; whatever it might be.
 I was very angry with God.  Actually I only came to grips with this during the past year. I thought He was punishing me for something.  I realize that He only gave me what I could handle.  I would not be as good of a parent if my child had been ‘normal’.   I still cry. I still wish sometimes.  We all do that no matter what our lives bring us.  I think this will hurt deep down inside forever, but it does subside and can bring lots of joy.
  Breanna now attends school 4 half days a week and daycare 4 half days a week.  She  uses a walker to help her walk.  She can sign about 15 words and can speak about 20.  She understands much more than she can express.  I feel that she is doing wonderful and could not be any prouder than I am of her.  Just the other day she took 6 steps alone at daycare!  I cried from the joy of seeing her so excited with herself.  She will usually only walk at therapy.  This was a major milestone for her.
  I would like everyone to know that this can be a great life if you learn how to slow down and enjoy the moment.   I appreciate every day that I have Breanna.
Cheri Craig

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