
This was written by Allan-Blakes mum, Deborah and sums up how she feels about him.
I have decided that my son Allan-Blake is truly an angel sent from God for me
to watch over instead of to watch over me although he could very well be doing
that too.I thank God for him.He has taught us so much for one who doesn't
always seem to understand.I have been fortunate in that I have had different
aspects in my life regarding raising children.First I have 3 stepchildren that
I raised whom I sure that I didn't have nearly enough patience with & then I
have 4 biological children in which my son (all the rest are daughters) was
the 3rd one born & who has taught me a great deal about patience!  Believe me
he has taught us all a great deal about patience ! He has also taught us a
great deal about love. He is 7 yrs. old now. Our  6 daughters range in age
from 4 yrs. to 30yrs.old. I find myself feeling that I constantly wish I could
be watching over Allan-Blake even though he has been in school now since he
was 3yrs.old.I still find myself wishing to get on the bus & go with him &
wishing  that I could just kind of sit back somewhere unnoticed in the
classroom.However, I also have learned to be very grateful to have this time
away from him because otherwise I might lose my sanity :) I am  grateful to
have the 4yr.old at home plus a 1 yr.old grandson  to keep me from always
wanting to be where Allan-Blake is.I guess you could say I have this need to
be there to be his interpreter of sorts & just to generally help make sure he
is understood as well as possible since I don't always understand him myself.
I feel truly blessed to have school for him & to have the teachers he has had.
Mrs. Anderson has been especially comforting for me in this way.She sends home
a note almost daily in his backpack just to let me know how his day has gone
or what he did that day. This has brought me great peace of mind as through
these little notes I am able to see that she has a very good understanding of
my son.I don't really know what I expect of the school system I just know that
it has made a great difference in Allan-Blakes life & that much progress has
been made through his going to school.He loves it! He is capable of learning a
great deal.I was talking with his occupational therapist recently & I told him
"I don't know which is harder-trying to understand my son or trying to explain
my son to people that just don't see all there is to see".For instance,they
see he seems to understand yes & no but he really doesn't to the full
extent.Like when he kicks or pinches somebody-I believe its to get their
attention because he can't speak,not because he is trying to be mean at all.
His therapist said the difference between Allan-Blake & others who are normal
is that when they kick or pinch someone they know why they did it where as
Allan-Blake has no idea why. I believe this to be true to a certain extent.To
Allan-Blake life is just fun & games all the time.If he can kick or pinch
someone & get their attention & get them to play then he's a happy camper!
When something serious happens he just doesn't see what the big deal is. This
is most definitely where the patience begins! :)He is most of the time pretty
fearless.I have found that discipline really doesn't go very far at all with
Allan-Blake but that ignoring whatever he's doing to annoy if at all possible
seems to work best.This is not always an easy thing for my husband & I & is
extremely hard to make people in general understand.Most peoples attitude is
"You really need to do something about him doing this or that "but it is just
not that easy.This is also something that is hard for the siblings to
understand & very unfair but as time goes on they understand more & more.Even
the 4 yr.old seems to have an amazing understanding at her young age & you
wouldn't believe the many times that she has defended her brother when he is
tormenting her to pieces.I thank God also for my husband-Allan-Blakes' "buddy"
for sure.I am not sure I could have survived this without the love & support
that my husband gives to me as well as to Allan-Blake & the rest of our
children.To most Allan-Blake is an exteremly loud little nusiance but I can't
even imagine my life without him.

Click on the rainbow to see what he looks like!